LLC SMU-12 Mosmetrostroya
LLC SMU-12 Mosmetrostroya
- - Performance of any difficulty ground works.
Construction and installation work:
- - soil stabilization works;
- - shafts special methods of construction;
- - building of monolithic concrete-steel constructions;
- - track laying and pouring concrete of the metro;
- - surface building construction from monolithic concrete steel of various commercial.
Implemented projects
- - Construction of pumping station with evacuation cross passages, ventilation chamber and evacuation cross passages at the section from «Yugo-Zapadnaya» station to «Troparyovo» station.
Construction of track bed structure:
- - running line from «Alma-Atinskaya» station to «Krasnopresnenskaya» station;
- - section from «Shipilovskaya» to «Zyablikovo» station;
- - section from «Volokolamskaya» station to «Mitino» station with line ends;
- - «Pyatnitskoe Shosse» station with line ends;
- - section from «Strogino» station to «Krylatskoe» station.
- - Consttruction of межтоннельных сбоек during metro building in Nijni Novgorod.
- - Construction of evacuation cross passages и and installation of soil-cement piles at the «Kremlin» - «Kozia Sloboda» - «Decemberers» (Kazan) staions section.
Kim B. Sevastyan